Mangia Paleo

Avocado Cucumber Tomato Summer Salad

Hello! Ciao! Yassas! Here’s my latest recipe – a blend of America, Italy, and Greece.

Tomato Avocado Cucumber Salad paleo italian recipe

What’s up, best readers in the world? I missed you. If you follow me on social media you know I’ve had a rough go the past 9720546 months. haha! My ulcerative colitis has been acting up and I’ve failed my 5th medication.

Temple of Zeus selfie

Temple of Zeus selfie

Meanwhile, I left my job on my 30th birthday. Then took a trip to Greece the same week. When I returned I started my new job. Oh, and grad school. Not to mention some other personal shittake. Everybody’s got their shittake, ya know? With all that there wasn’t mushroom for blogging. #puns. 😉 I know things have been quiet from so thanks for sticking around. Love ya. Connect with me on social: Instagram Facebook Twitter

Donkeys climbing a hill at sunset in Santorini

Donkeys climbing a hill at sunset in Santorini

As for vacation, Greece was amazing. And that’s partly what inspired today’s recipe. Best part of the trip? I ate so much fresh food! At one place they were literally picking stuff off trees next to us to cook with. Now that’s how I like to eat! While I didn’t follow paleo the whole trip, I felt good about the food I did choose because you can tell it was made with ingredients that haven’t been shoved through America’s chemical systems. lol. The veggies were get-outta-here good. So my salad is a mashup of a popular Greek dish brought to America and made by an Italian. Let me break it down for ya.

Greek inspiration = cucumber, avocado, oregano
American inspiration = avocado (seriously, we put that stuff on everything)
Italian inspiration = Italian dressing & basil


I love this salad because it’s a hit at summer picnics. It’s cool, clean and refreshing. Everyone loves this side dish in the midst of pasta salad, greasy burgers, and chips with dip. While everyone else is bringing dangerous picnic food you’ll be the hero that supplied a healthy crunch to their plate.

Fellow Crohn’s and colitis warriors, if you are unable to digest tomato skin or seeds you can still use the tomato. There is a way to remove the skin and seeds. Here’s a video that shows you how.

easy paleo italian dressing marinade recipe

A simple dressing goes a long way in this salad. It adds the perfect element of moisture to tie all the veggies together. Plus, the acidity and oil helps protect the avocado from browning. I always make extra and save it in a sealed jar. The photo shows 1/2 cup of dressing but the actual recipe is just enough for the salad. So feel free to double/triple/quadruple the ingredients like I do! Red wine vinegar and olive oil are my go-to ingredients for salad dressing. It also makes a bombtastic marinade for shrimp or chicken. Hint: bookmark this page so you remember. 😉


no-lettuce-italian salad-recipe


2 thoughts on “Avocado Cucumber Tomato Summer Salad

  1. Riva Montambault

    Hi Laura – glad to hear you are feeling better and enjoyed your trip to GREECE. Can you tell me how much avocado you would recommend for this recipe? And, I was thinking of substituting the red wine vinegar with apple cider vinegar. What do you think? Take care of yourself..Riva

    1. Mangia Paleo

      Hi Riva,
      nice to hear from you! I use one avocado for this ratio. I like it heavier in cucumber but it’s up to you! You can substitute any vinegar of your choice. The acidity is what’s important. Enjoy!

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