Mangia Paleo

Hungover Herbed Breakfast

Top ‘o the mornin’ to ya!

I hope your St. Paddy’s Day aftermath is going well. I was in bed by 10pm last night, but if you were out partying unlike myself then don’t forget to hydrate with pure coconut water! I swear by it after I drink. Since I have Ulcerative Colitis I shouldn’t be drinking at all but even if I have a glass of wine I am very cautious about its effects and recovery. AKA trying not to poop my pants the next day.


For breakfast remember to REFUEL! This is where your energy for the day comes from. This breakfast took me only a few minutes. Adding fresh herbs give an extra flavor while also adding extra nutrients and flavonoids. I absolutely love that word.

parsley For example, fresh parsley is good for kidneys detoxification and also circulation. Sage helps digest fatty foods. Oregano is the king of antioxidant herbs. Basil can help relieve congestion and anxiety.

Directions: Chop fresh herbs  (parsley and cilantro are my favorite) and add to 2 eggs. Crumble in leftover bacon or meat of your choice to the eggs. Season with S&P. Scramble everything together and cook on medium heat, stirring the eggs, for 2 minutes or until done. 

20140317-215430.jpgAlso add avocado or your favorite greens or more vegetables… and lots of water.



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