Mangia Paleo

Full-fat Breakfast

You hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day right? Well I’m here to tell you that IT REALLY IS. I promise that if you eat a balanced paleo breakfast in the morning you wont even need coffee to get you going.

For the record, if I ever turn into a princess and get cursed to sleep forever, don’t make a prince kiss me to wake me up. Simply instruct the true love, AKA Ryan Reynolds, to whip up a nutritious paleo breakfast and I’ll pounce right out of bed…or a bench…or whatever weird place Sleeping Beauty was laying.

Eating eggs every morning can get pretty boring, though. How do I switch it up?


This morning I scrambled some eggs with fresh parsley and a tbsp. coconut milk. Then I went hunting in my fridge (very primitive) for LEFTOVER cooked vegetables. Do you feel like cooking things in 947,236 different pans to put in your eggs first thing in the morning? No. The answer is no.

I always make sure to have leftover vegetables from a previous meal. That way, I can throw them in with scrambled eggs for a more balanced breakfast the next morning.

You may notice this breakfast is pretty high in fat. That’s okay! If you are eating a low carb diet (that’s you, keto people) your body is going to need energy from someplace. The fat place. Although these are considered ‘good fats’ you don’t want to eat avocado and bacon all day long.
Let me rephrase that.
You shouldn’t eat avocado and bacon all day long.



  • 2 eggs
  • 1 stem parsley leaves
  • 1/4 cup leftover veggies*
  • sprinkle of spinach leaves
  • splash of coconut milk

Coffee: freshly ground organic decaf, almond milk, gingerbread spice (nutmeg, ginger, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon). If you suffer from Crohn’s and Colitis I would highly suggest experimenting with coffees first. Some are just crap and will bother you. Higher quality beans are better, but really, if you have an IBD don’t drink it. Especially not caffeinated coffee.


Scramble eggs with coconut milk and parsley. Combine random vegetables. Pour into greased pan and cover. Cook on med-low heat until top of the frittata is not raw egg.

*My leftover veggies were sautéed turnip, green beans, and chopped bacon with a splace of tomato sauce and spices.


2 thoughts on “Full-fat Breakfast

  1. Kristen

    That looks great! Do you have any tips/ hints on avocados? I feel like I buy one and it’s too hard, but the very next day it has rotten spots inside. I’d love to buy more than one at a time (Elise LOVES avocado), but it seems so futile….and sad making.

    1. mangiapaleo Post author

      It depends what they have going on at the grocery store. You want to buy them with a little give. Slightly darker ones may be more ripe than others, but it depends. The best way to find out the ripeness is by picking at that stem. If it comes off easily and is a bit greenish/brown inside then it’s ripe. If it picks right off and its brown inside, it’s too ripe. And if you have to tug a lot and its bright once you pick it then it’s not ripe at all. The spots are tough unless you feel some soft spots where it could be bruised. I’m having a hard time figuring out why some of mine are really fibrous and almost stringy inside sometimes. Other batches could be perfect! It’s tough. When they are in season in the summer it’s always easier. haha.

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